that is where i'm..
finished all of my journey to gain as many knowledge as i could throughout the first semester..
four subject should be carried :
never ever thought that i could carried all this subjects but experience have taught me to be strong..past experience do..! i will never get to see a future if i couldn't let my past gone..that is how i motivate my life..
bitter moment when we fail in one test but the bitter could be the sweetest things ever if we able to adapt some of the silly mistakes that we have made last paper for PSPM I was cemistry..that's all..after all of the things i do, spend almost 25 hours jus to read hoping that it will worth a thousand day without humours give me a great result on future.. INSYAALLAH.. pray and leave it to ALLAH..
now it is time for me to be on my own without thinking about all of my books.. for this while it is all about my personal life,used every second for an useful things n spend as much as i can wif all the person i love..
Nov 4, 2011
thing-I-never-done_before -____-"
less than 2 weeks i can see my room,meet my hunny pie n also my whity-toasty..
nothing more to be discuss just wanna share a story of my weird behaviour when i'm staying for more than two weeks at matric's hostel..
list :
1.wearing a watch for 24 hours nvr ever take it of a rice with lauk only no chicken nor fish
3.walk so,very,really fast from one place to another
4.sleep together wif an open books
there are no to many things that can be listed for now since my mind couldn't think briefly about the things that happen at matric.. only few of it..!
nothing more to be discuss just wanna share a story of my weird behaviour when i'm staying for more than two weeks at matric's hostel..
list :
1.wearing a watch for 24 hours nvr ever take it of a rice with lauk only no chicken nor fish
3.walk so,very,really fast from one place to another
4.sleep together wif an open books
there are no to many things that can be listed for now since my mind couldn't think briefly about the things that happen at matric.. only few of it..!
CRUSH ! dushh~
everything has been fragile..
why all this must happened to me..?
first time i ever saw u i couldn't turn my head not to look at you bcoz i realize from the way u talk from the way u walk from the way u communicate wif people i'm really not suit you..
almost everyday i meet during my work.. the truth is,it's hard to wake up early in the morning to work but when ur face appears in my mind everything be possible it suddenly giv me strength to go on wif my work coz hoping u will be there..
a few days bfore i've wrote my resignation letter i've tried my hard to be close to you so i could talk wif u get to know u even not really well-known but for that time knowing u is a dream in reality..
it is soUNBELIEVEABLE when u ask for my phone number.. from that moment i really hope that u feel the way i feel.. jus bfore i continue my study u try really hard to win my heart.. but for me to completely accept u in my life for that short is impossible.. then u keep on trying until u made it..u've win my whole heart but i have no idea why i still hesitate to let u in maybe bcoz of my past..u txt me call me whenever u free but for me to replying ur txt will always takes hour or 5 hours later but u never stop txting me in hoping u will receive at least one page enough for u to know that i'm still there with u,remember u..but without u knowing bfore u've got my phone number i never stop thinking about u.. think that what would u do on this time,where might u be on that time..?? the reason y it will takes time to replying for ur txt is jus bcoz i'm thinking the proper answer for ur question so it could be is quite silly when i think it twice..
a few weeks later we've been so close to each other.. i'd started to rplying ur txt on time.. pick up ur fon call as soon as i could reach my phone.. then,we've proceed to the next level in relationship a month later an exclusive one..u said that started from now on there is no more me no more u but there is only 'US'.. that words sound simple but really complicated to carried.. i'd agreed since i believe i can do it.. i can make it happen.. i've never tengs to you bcoz there is always u the one who make every move.. u willing to fetch me from matric that takes about 35 minutes to reach from ur home and sent me back the very next day that on the same day u work at 12 noon.. that very sweet of u willing to do everything for me so i realise that u really love me.. i've realise all that from the first day u asked me out for an informal date but never tell u bcoz my heart had stop me to say it to u..
page 89,
until now we're still together in a hope that we could be forever n no end point for 'US'..
why all this must happened to me..?
first time i ever saw u i couldn't turn my head not to look at you bcoz i realize from the way u talk from the way u walk from the way u communicate wif people i'm really not suit you..
almost everyday i meet during my work.. the truth is,it's hard to wake up early in the morning to work but when ur face appears in my mind everything be possible it suddenly giv me strength to go on wif my work coz hoping u will be there..
a few days bfore i've wrote my resignation letter i've tried my hard to be close to you so i could talk wif u get to know u even not really well-known but for that time knowing u is a dream in reality..
it is so
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fragile ! fragile ! fragile |
page 89,
until now we're still together in a hope that we could be forever n no end point for 'US'..
out of syllabus
i'm home..
after for more than 2 weeks,more than 14 days,more than 3600 hours n more than 18000 seconds i haven't see my room,my toasty n my doopy now i'm here for them.. really bad ! i only can spend my time with all of them less than 2 weeks.. no matter what there is nothing could stop me from meet them..*for sure coz i already here!WHAT A MESS
after for more than 2 weeks,more than 14 days,more than 3600 hours n more than 18000 seconds i haven't see my room,my toasty n my doopy now i'm here for them.. really bad ! i only can spend my time with all of them less than 2 weeks.. no matter what there is nothing could stop me from meet them..*for sure coz i already here!
after a long time my fingertips haven't dancing along on my lappy's board wif a sound of wind from the outside make me n my nail so happy to work together as a team to build up a great thing that we've done a long time ago..furhh~*blow out the dust
it has been so dusty of my keyboard.. ish,ish,ish..
it has been so dusty of my keyboard.. ish,ish,ish..
there are too many changes around here,i'm not quite sure which part was missing or i missed sumwhere bfore..hurmm ! nevermind bcoz here still my home,'HOME SWEET HOME'.. no where could compare here..
lot of things had happened to me throughout last 3 weeks..
bad feeling,bad habits,bad dream,bad headache n also back pain*sabit
but it is not all the bad things happened..!
that's what we called life..
a good things always come wif the bad one..
most of my time i've used it just concentrate on my study bcoz i always remember my mum's quote :now on is the season of studying.. no matter what kind of study if u still followed up this trend u still in the right track in i take that as a matter for every second in my life when i'm still at matric..LURVE U MUM !
classmate that always around :
from the left : anis,su,wawa,mira,(me),chan
p/s : what is goin on actually wif this blogger.. GETTING SLOW..! nk upload photo pon smpat solat subuh sambung pulak isyak esoknya.. seronok btol tnggu lme2..
FINE ! getting bored.. gotta go need to ease my mind for a little while..
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