*just for fun !
Aug 28, 2011
fasting month
another fasting month for me.. means this is the 12 times of fasting month for me start from when i'm in standard 1.. tenkiu ALLAH for gives me such a golden opportunity by giving me a fresh air to keep breathing,a clear n clean water to stand up straightly n also a sun to brighten my day.. n now i'm still alive to feel another month for fasting.. my first day of fasting i'm not at home so i didn't break fasting together wif my family members but i'm at my second home at gambang wif a very new environment n wif a new experience.. before this i never been through my fasting away from home,from my mum.. so the first day fasting i really worried about how to wake up for early breakfast without my mum n what am i goin to eat on that time.. this is bcause when i'm at home my mum will cooked for us n also will wake me up.. so this is a very new environment that i have to adapt.. but day after day i made it.. i made it to make myself comfortable wif it.. wake up at 5 o'clock n eat wif rest of my roomate.. quite interesting..
end of that..
my point of talking about this current issues is bcause the thing that happen just now.. me n my whole family including my grandparents,my aunt n also my nephew have break our fasting together at a very famous restaurant that has been known bcause of their delicious n tasty TOM YAM.. that restaurant named SARA THAI.. the reason why we choose that restaurant is bcause a rumours that has spreading through the air into our ear said that the restaurant famous of their tasty tom yam.. tables have been booked one day before the event.. the menu have been chosen on the same time as the table did so now just have to wait for the 'azan' to taste for the foods that heard very delicious..
27th AUGUST 2011 is the date where the event runned..
on that day i woke up as usuall took a bath since there is no food that can be eat on that time due to fasting.. finished wif that i go back to sleep bcause my eyes cannot open widely.. so i wake up at 5 pm took a bath and ready to go.. 6.10pm we started our car's engine n drive to our destination that has been set for our place to break our fasting.. then we arrived ! looking for our table and have a comfort seat.. taking a photo is necessary..
*meet my nephew amisha
*we have such a big family n this is only quarter we have more but the rest cannot join us for this time
the foods also have served on our table.. let's take a look at it !
*ayam goreng kunyit
*kerabu mangga.. waa favourite !
*sayur goreng belacan kot ! (x igat)
*udang goreng tepung

*this is the overall foods
okeyy that's all for now..
need pillowwww!
end of that..
my point of talking about this current issues is bcause the thing that happen just now.. me n my whole family including my grandparents,my aunt n also my nephew have break our fasting together at a very famous restaurant that has been known bcause of their delicious n tasty TOM YAM.. that restaurant named SARA THAI.. the reason why we choose that restaurant is bcause a rumours that has spreading through the air into our ear said that the restaurant famous of their tasty tom yam.. tables have been booked one day before the event.. the menu have been chosen on the same time as the table did so now just have to wait for the 'azan' to taste for the foods that heard very delicious..
27th AUGUST 2011 is the date where the event runned..
on that day i woke up as usuall took a bath since there is no food that can be eat on that time due to fasting.. finished wif that i go back to sleep bcause my eyes cannot open widely.. so i wake up at 5 pm took a bath and ready to go.. 6.10pm we started our car's engine n drive to our destination that has been set for our place to break our fasting.. then we arrived ! looking for our table and have a comfort seat.. taking a photo is necessary..
the foods also have served on our table.. let's take a look at it !
*this is the overall foods
okeyy that's all for now..
need pillowwww!
another "blind" statement
when the book is open the first word that written on the very front page is DIARY.. can u wonder what book is that..?
let us go with our first hint for this wondering...
%%capital 'W' that be the first letter for this book..
%%coloured with many colours but mine is white in colour..
%%evryday story in form of comic..
still can't get the clue...?
hieehh,lembab betol !
taadaaa ! got the perfect one !
see i have told u that i have a very wonderful boyfrend that know a suitable n perfect things for me.. yeayy.. tenkiu my dear.. i has finished read all of the words that has been typing on that book.. even i can't watch for the movie at least i already know the story n every scene in that movie.. tenkiu my dear hunny.. lurve u so much..!
let us go with our first hint for this wondering...
%%capital 'W' that be the first letter for this book..
%%coloured with many colours but mine is white in colour..
%%evryday story in form of comic..
still can't get the clue...?
hieehh,lembab betol !
taadaaa ! got the perfect one !
see i have told u that i have a very wonderful boyfrend that know a suitable n perfect things for me.. yeayy.. tenkiu my dear.. i has finished read all of the words that has been typing on that book.. even i can't watch for the movie at least i already know the story n every scene in that movie.. tenkiu my dear hunny.. lurve u so much..!
CAPITAL 'B' for...
yeayy !
B for the thing that we bring along everyday when we step out from our house..
B for the thing that we put all of our make up in there
B for the thing that protect our phone from been stolen by a thief
B also is for the thing that can snatch our live ! *this is not good..
yeaa,that's what i am going to say..
i got a lovely bag from my SUPERHERO
yesterday i go to downtown,
my bag's colour is light brown..
(HELLO ! it's a poem..)
my supersuperMAN know what i need n tally wif my taste.. i'm such a lucky gurl bcause i have u as my man that always be right beside me when i'm in need.. * out of topic
the story begin wif letter L for leg *sabit !
early in the morning where most of malaysian still on bed dreaming about the thing that never bring to alive, i and my lovely boyfrend when to 24 hours fast food restaurant to take a early breakfast together since the day before we haven't break our fasting together so we haven't meet each other yet.. on the same day,same date,same time n same place he has gave me the lurvely thing that i has said just now.. what a suprise.. lurve it ! tenkiu so much hunny pie.. huhh,there is it !
B for the thing that we bring along everyday when we step out from our house..
B for the thing that we put all of our make up in there
B for the thing that protect our phone from been stolen by a thief
B also is for the thing that can snatch our live ! *this is not good..
yeaa,that's what i am going to say..
i got a lovely bag from my SUPERHERO
yesterday i go to downtown,
my bag's colour is light brown..
(HELLO ! it's a poem..)
my supersuperMAN know what i need n tally wif my taste.. i'm such a lucky gurl bcause i have u as my man that always be right beside me when i'm in need.. * out of topic
the story begin wif letter L for leg *sabit !
early in the morning where most of malaysian still on bed dreaming about the thing that never bring to alive, i and my lovely boyfrend when to 24 hours fast food restaurant to take a early breakfast together since the day before we haven't break our fasting together so we haven't meet each other yet.. on the same day,same date,same time n same place he has gave me the lurvely thing that i has said just now.. what a suprise.. lurve it ! tenkiu so much hunny pie.. huhh,there is it !
L.O.N.G time
ffuuuhh *tiup habuk
since da sangat lme x update blog wif sumthing that interesting so i choose this early morn where there is no one around without any noise that could interupt me to build a very great words to produce a thousand miles of sentences..
started from the day i enter to matriculation there is no more sight to view all of my social network.thus make me didn't know what is happenning around the world.. from the politic to the story of LADY GAGA new album..
* my facebook has been eaten by thousand of viruses ! zero knowledge about all of it ! nevermind because i can see the brightest light for my future.. high competition,tough subjects to carry n also tight schedule for everyday classes make me realise how worth time is as worth as a trilion impulse that transmitted by the nerves in our brain..
so i should switch off the "outside" thing that have happened when i'm still under matriculation program this is bcause i do not want to waste my time for sumthing that does not give me anything unless regret oneday..
since da sangat lme x update blog wif sumthing that interesting so i choose this early morn where there is no one around without any noise that could interupt me to build a very great words to produce a thousand miles of sentences..
started from the day i enter to matriculation there is no more sight to view all of my social network.thus make me didn't know what is happenning around the world.. from the politic to the story of LADY GAGA new album..

so i should switch off the "outside" thing that have happened when i'm still under matriculation program this is bcause i do not want to waste my time for sumthing that does not give me anything unless regret oneday..
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