end of that..
my point of talking about this current issues is bcause the thing that happen just now.. me n my whole family including my grandparents,my aunt n also my nephew have break our fasting together at a very famous restaurant that has been known bcause of their delicious n tasty TOM YAM.. that restaurant named SARA THAI.. the reason why we choose that restaurant is bcause a rumours that has spreading through the air into our ear said that the restaurant famous of their tasty tom yam.. tables have been booked one day before the event.. the menu have been chosen on the same time as the table did so now just have to wait for the 'azan' to taste for the foods that heard very delicious..
27th AUGUST 2011 is the date where the event runned..
on that day i woke up as usuall took a bath since there is no food that can be eat on that time due to fasting.. finished wif that i go back to sleep bcause my eyes cannot open widely.. so i wake up at 5 pm took a bath and ready to go.. 6.10pm we started our car's engine n drive to our destination that has been set for our place to break our fasting.. then we arrived ! looking for our table and have a comfort seat.. taking a photo is necessary..
the foods also have served on our table.. let's take a look at it !
*this is the overall foods
okeyy that's all for now..
need pillowwww!