Sep 23, 2012

what is facebook ?

since i've sick with this social networking so i decide to deactivate the account and acting like i don't know what exactly is going on.. and pretending like i dont have one ! that's cool ! the main reason why i hate this social networking because i feel everyone was like waa facebook..! busteng sangat..
facebook is nothing and it just wasting my time when i scroll it down and up but there's nothing change.. maybe i will be back when i think facebook was cooler than the other social networking in the future,perhaps 

college life

everything had change started from the first day i went here,Penang..
not enough time to care about my social networking and also time for myself to taking care of but it is end till i came to weekend.. the orientation week was so damn pathetic,i just got a sunburn due to the outdoor activity.. everyone was confused why must we followed such that things since we've sign for doctor but we need to get through the whole one week just like soldier.. bit confusing there !
for today's entry there no photo to be uploaded cause had no time to choose for something better.. happy reading you guys. promised to post all the photos during the orientation week later on.. okay !