trip agy...
f0r the second time to IIUM...
bapak kar0tny...
da amy glew then bas luc sebuah jew..tuh yg lmbt tuh..
(nieh intro ajew)
1st start citer cam nieh...
(cam bese la cgu leter at dpn tuh 10 min)
8.00:msk clz then kne tnggu cmpy kul 9 bwu ley break
9.00:tuyun bwh mkn then tnggu bas..
11.05:bas smpy t0k round itew0wg la..
(yg len da nek d da)
da cmpy,mas0k...g la lecture r0om dngr ceramah ckt sal pharmacy...seb bek juwp jew law x adew la yg mencarut,mer0yan at ctuh...then,abish ceramah pusing2 UIA tuh...1st destination g bilik mayat..Uuuu0oo...
bubye UIA..
till we meet again...