the story begin with letter H for H.E.L.L.O...
another wonderful day at home with new inspire and brilliant idea
since i'd choose this topic so let us talk about it with the rudest way ever
*dim the light please !
chapter 1
miss :kenapa ****** cafe x bukak nieh...
me :(apahal die nieh !)
nk beli pon nk bg tau org jgk ke
miss :duit sy banyak lg nieh macam mane...
me :just go on walking
miss :staring at me to make sure i heard what she said just now
me :(in my heart)HELLO ! people that have a lots of money never tell anyone unless people ask her *stupid
miss :(whispering with her frends)
~ the end ~
chapter 2
ninny :baju ori tengok kain larh !
me :*silent
ninny :kte kalau susah x leh tunjuk sangat kte nie susah..walau susah mne pon kte,dress up kte kne jaga sebab orang pandang kte melalui cara pemakaian kte
me :*continue silent
ninny :sy nie susah rumahk kecik je tp at least sy x de larh ketinggalan zaman pasal trend nie
me :(buat muka)
ninny :converse saya da penuh rak kasut kat rumah
me :seronoknya !(baru bersuara)*berlagak ulu
ninny :nk tahu ape lagi ?
cepat larh saya cerita..
another 3 girls :cerita lah.. sedap dengar awak cerita
me :lantak kau lah hehh !
~the end~
your word is all a lies
tanpa berkata ape-ape saya hanya mampu menerima dengan hati yang BLUR !
nk ceramah sikit...,
buat ape nk beria-ria tunjuk ape yg kononnya awk ade tp hakikatny tipu semata-mata
"buka hati,buka minda,perbaikilah jiwa"