journey to kuala pilah that located at 9's state..

first step that makes me can be right over here is all because of $21.90 ticket..such a golden ticket ! then,the next day have to wait for the silver bus to surf on the tar made road only.30 minutes before the real time i already reached at the bus station and great ! hav to wait under the blue roof and inhaled the air conditional from the surrounding acting cool to wait for that stupid bus to arrive..
3.25 pm :
it's seem likes the bus that named TRANSNASIONAL same as the bus name printed in my,ready for a long journey..last hug from my mum,got onto the bus and yeah ! found my seat..
3.40 pm :
my journey begin,i know this when i felt like the bus is moving..ofcoz larh bro !
i fall asleep half way then woke up when my journey is almost end..
7.05 pm :
arrived at the last check point and live again !
tot,tet,tot,tet... E.N.D O.F S.T.O.R.Y !