waiting for the result about couple an hour without do anything juz talked to each other,share story and last,tired of waiting decided to check our result through the SMS so it's not goin to be surprise after all.HOPELESS ! there's no response.
12.15 pm:
the result are not announce by the teacher so the excellent student can SHOWIN OFF' that their work hard is working..enough of that,back to mine..
here my SPM result : 5A 1A- 2B+ 2C+

A :Bahasa Melayu,Pendidikan Islam,Mathematics,Geography,Chemistry
C+:Additional Mathematics,Physics
*i'm not as smart as you ! i'm also didn't get a lot of A's as you !but i know where i can count for my size.
oke,kembali ke pangkal jalan..right after the result anouncement we gathered at school's canteen to express our satisfaction about the thing that jus happen and check for qualification to enter at which UNIVERSITY..okay,that's all for now !

p/s:dengan terpostnya gambar di atas maka berakhirlah zaman kebudakan yg melampau..