2 movie in one nite..
the story start with letter E.. errr ! actually on this day i was really tired but when thought that i have a date so i force my own self to wake me up so i didn't miss this date..first plan thought this aren't a date just a meeting between a work's frend but it's different when we spend the whole nite together.. time goes on ! before it gone we go to the beginning of the story..meeting point's location is golden screen cinema at east coast mall..that time is already 9.45 pm and our movie start at 9.50 pm.. begin with capital I for INSIDIOUS was a first horror movie for our nite..really scared ! but the scareness worth a thousand sweet moment but seriously the story makes me afraid to live alone at home..
finish for that..,
while waiting for our next movie we hangout for a cup of hot tea for him and other drink for the rest at TAJ RESTAURANT.. talking,sharing story,laughing and walarh our next story is on.. my favourite movie ever PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN ON STRANGER TIDES.. tenkiu farhan for treat me my favourite movie.. lurve you ! goin upstair by escalator and have a very comfort seat at the most back that called "couple seat".. can't believe that seat also have a name usually i heard seat only have a letter.. felt really special.. but i have no idea why i felt so sleepy on that time even that is my favourite movie but i can't stand my eyes to open anymore so I FALL ASLEEP and my head has land at his right shoulder but i still didn't realise.. i missed lot of scene hurmm but i didn't blame myself for that because i have make that late nite movie very special for us... or just maybe because it's just a coincedence ! i have no idea because i can't read people mind nor a heart..
another ending..,
still continue with another beginning..after we finished our last movie we out for early breakfast cause it's already 3 in the morning.. paddy is our next destination to filled up his empty stomach..then,we go around and he drove me to my very favourite place after i told him that the place is WONDERFUL.. that place named black stone..there it's ! no light,no moonlight,no thousand of star that always brighten up the whole sky..just enjoy the cool sea breeze,calm air n fresh sea water smell.. that was a perfect situation for a perfect date..*cehh,bajek couple.. tp ape salahnya kn,kn ? the most foolish moment is when i afraid of cat.. sebenarnya x takut pon tp pengaruh INSIDIOUS..*cover =_= so he drove me home rite after that.. lurve you R*****'s guy.. tengs cause willing to spend time with me.. hope that i can spend more time with you in another day together with ribena.. hee comel x ? :p