sumtime pukul 7 pg bru ingat nk tido..tau larh da grow up tp teenagers should had enough x pe kan live all the night hang out with my dearest frend at my favourite places before i gone to university..paan listen here ! no matter what happen i will never forget our always be by my side when i need sumone to talk to..ily larh BFF ! you have teach me a lot about life..even i'm not here after this but my soul still here..
almost every night awak spend time dengan saya even awk ngantok the next day awk masuk pagi but you still stay with me till morning.. tenkiu dear !

U life..,
it's quite scare to feel such a new life with a lot of grown up people..but i want to experience such that beautiful life that there's no second change for that moment..even i have to left my world behind to start with a new one but i never let a last piece of my life's puzzle gone just like that..maybe i juz kept that as a memory deep in my heart..
the most important day that i'm waiting for.. registration day !on this day i have to forget my past live on my own and get through this challenging life alone..what's the thing that going through in my mind at this time is 'am i going to be sumone very best frend ?' my stuffs are already brought but still not complete ! not packing yet ! tomorrow i'll finished all of that so i'm be more ready for HIGHER LIFE..