i'm as a staff at golden screen cinema east coast mall at concession department felt really damn it when i have to serve such a stupid damn SHIT customers..
hello !no one knows what you want okey so please think it twice before you make an order..
1.if you choose mineral please make a choice either cold or warm
*but please no hot mineral !
2.for other beverages say it early if you want it WITH-OUT ice
*i'm not GOD that can read your mind
3.when i repeat order please respect so i'm not the one who make a false rite here
*HELLO ! i have a pride
4.at GSC only have a T.W.I.S.T.I.E.S as a snack not T.W.I.S.T.E.R.so read it carefully before you embarassed yourself ! HAHAHAHA poor you !

'CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RITE' even you are fucking damn wrong !