transformation begin,from...
...the girl in love into a girl with no love
...a special girl for someone into a nothing for everyone with tears every single second into laughing in every single action
...a moody person to a very cheerish girl
...having a bad dreams into a no dreams ever during my sleep
...always build a castle in the air into build a strength with a help of an air
...complicated girl into a simple i've ever be
it is hard to make a change in our life for sumthing better but i'm the one who goin to make my first impression works a million star. make a change is try to adapting a new thing in our living and our lifestyle but once the changes work it will worth it.
p/s:bkn senang shafi nk lpekan **** tp shafi akan cuba sehabis baik sbb shafi ta nk seksa diri shafi sendiri cause me deserve better even without other love,unless you.. it is easy for you to get rid of me from your heart and mind once you have another person better than me,but i don't care as long as you got a happiness that i've failed to give. go ahead take a very good care of her..