there's nothing could be done at downtown unless wasting my time looking at the people that mind their own business and holding hands with their partner.. its totally killing me since now i live on my own without no one care about me unless my parents that's just if they care if they don't still all alone without no one.. having a dream on becoming a DRAMA QUEEN is a thought that never have their ending because once the sun appears and brighten the whole universe all of my dream will disappears to the sky as the clouds are marching along and the birds are singing a song just like they do and a piece of my new life begin..
let me talk about the thing that just happen in my life for this while..
***2 second ago
***2 hours ago
***2 days ago
***2 weeks ago
***2 month ago
not a usual things that always happened to me in my whole life..
lost the person that i love and when i'm look after him he said that he have tried to find me but there's no where place that could found me since i've remove him from my friend list.. from that i'd realized that he no longer need me and love me.. telling me that you have someone else that could replaced me in your heart makes me speechless for thousand words.. ALLAH have gave me a chance to know him but why must He tooks him aways from my life when i'm started to really love him.. life do so unfair but when i've look beyond that faith i knew that our heart is not owned by anyone but its own by ALLAH.. whenever i'd lost i'll come to ALLAH.. He knows everything because ALLAH ALMIGHTY..