peace be upon all of my muslim readers.
__maggie big curry....(background ads.)
this is totally me. Switch on the tv but got nothing to watch. It is like necessary thing to do when I am relaxing myself at living hall alone,instead of listening to music I rather let the tv on without watching cause it feels insecure when you are alone in silent around this time where your parents and siblings are all asleep.
before we go to the main point why I decided to write something let me tell you how can I had time to sign in this account where I haven't checked for about more than a month,i guess. pfft~ This is because I'm in holiday mood.. Sound fantastic huhh ? I got two weeks emergency leaves due to an internal problem that my university faced right now. The details of what is happening is I don't know because I'm not one of the highest committee. so I take it as a positive thing because at least I had a chance to go back home where I were right now.
Okay back to my point for this entry..
Fourth semester ! second year I am in.. Alhamdulillah..
I got no word to describe how thankful I am for this sustenance.
First community service for me and my fellow doctors-in-training.
12th.April.2014 was the date and I feel really excited for that day actually. A night before I couldn't close my eyes and sleep tightly due to the hours counted was overwhelmed and basically I will feel very like totally sleepy on the next day if I couldn't sleep but for this case only I didn't. I felt wide awake ! weird me i guess. Lol..
the venue for our service was at Kampung Kota and it took around 20 minutes from our hostel. On that day,only got two groups from our batch which are my group,group 8 and the other group,group 7. We departed at 7.45 am and reached our destination at 8.20 am. The estimation of our time to reached the destination was around 8.10 am but then we're lost and it was the funniest part about this road trip. Me and the other four people which are my group members were in the same car and we follow the other car which was driven by Allyn. Her co-pilot didn't used any map or GPS devices or anything to show the correct path yet confidently gave direction. Halfway then we were told that we already lost and need to find the correct road. I guess the co-pilot learnt a lesson and knew he was using his smart phone and tried to find a help from the 'waze' apps. Sometimes overconfident could throw you off to nowhere..
The host welcomed us with nice treats where the villagers prepared us breakfast before we started with our service. Great neighbourhood with a strong bond between neighbours. Around 9.45 am we started to visit our patient's family at his house. We were asked by our coordinator who in charge during that day which is Dr.Brenda to do exactly the same as we've learnt during Problem Based Learning towards our patient and we were given a patient who suffered a chronic condition which is cerebral palsy.
History taking started from the mother of our patients until the last child in the family. Then we've done the physical examination towards all the children in the family from the steps of taking the heartbeat count until the palpation for vocal fremitus.
What a great experienced I had on that day. Not only for my course where I should learned most of the things from the books only for this two and a half years but also learned about life,be thankful for everything that we've owned now because we never know the future and what is going to happen in the future. *sobs
__maggie big curry....(background ads.)
this is totally me. Switch on the tv but got nothing to watch. It is like necessary thing to do when I am relaxing myself at living hall alone,instead of listening to music I rather let the tv on without watching cause it feels insecure when you are alone in silent around this time where your parents and siblings are all asleep.
before we go to the main point why I decided to write something let me tell you how can I had time to sign in this account where I haven't checked for about more than a month,i guess. pfft~ This is because I'm in holiday mood.. Sound fantastic huhh ? I got two weeks emergency leaves due to an internal problem that my university faced right now. The details of what is happening is I don't know because I'm not one of the highest committee. so I take it as a positive thing because at least I had a chance to go back home where I were right now.
Okay back to my point for this entry..
Fourth semester ! second year I am in.. Alhamdulillah..
I got no word to describe how thankful I am for this sustenance.
First community service for me and my fellow doctors-in-training.
12th.April.2014 was the date and I feel really excited for that day actually. A night before I couldn't close my eyes and sleep tightly due to the hours counted was overwhelmed and basically I will feel very like totally sleepy on the next day if I couldn't sleep but for this case only I didn't. I felt wide awake ! weird me i guess. Lol..
the venue for our service was at Kampung Kota and it took around 20 minutes from our hostel. On that day,only got two groups from our batch which are my group,group 8 and the other group,group 7. We departed at 7.45 am and reached our destination at 8.20 am. The estimation of our time to reached the destination was around 8.10 am but then we're lost and it was the funniest part about this road trip. Me and the other four people which are my group members were in the same car and we follow the other car which was driven by Allyn. Her co-pilot didn't used any map or GPS devices or anything to show the correct path yet confidently gave direction. Halfway then we were told that we already lost and need to find the correct road. I guess the co-pilot learnt a lesson and knew he was using his smart phone and tried to find a help from the 'waze' apps. Sometimes overconfident could throw you off to nowhere..
History taking started from the mother of our patients until the last child in the family. Then we've done the physical examination towards all the children in the family from the steps of taking the heartbeat count until the palpation for vocal fremitus.
What a great experienced I had on that day. Not only for my course where I should learned most of the things from the books only for this two and a half years but also learned about life,be thankful for everything that we've owned now because we never know the future and what is going to happen in the future. *sobs